Bum Gun


Don’t throw money down the toilet. Gently shower yourself down there with a bidet sprayer after going to the toilet and stop smearing it about with countless pieces of toilet paper.

After cycling for 2 years from UK to Australia back in the 90’s, I learnt 2 things. Firstly that it would have been a lot cheaper to fly. Secondly that using toilet paper was medieval 🙂

On setting off on my world tour, one thing that was a bit worrying was the issue of toilet paper. This issue was no longer a issue after reaching Turkey. As there wasn’t any to buy. So I was forced to start using a squirty bottle and soap for my hands after the dirty deed. When passing through the Indian countryside early in the morning. I would see the whole village all walking off to the fields to do their business, with their little urns of water in hand (all one cup of it). To wash down there and their hands. The same hands that would later prepare the food I would then later eat. I really wished they had at least a bidet sprayer 🙂

If your doggy poop bag split open when using it, you certainly wouldn’t just wipe your hand with toilet paper 🙂

A Bum Gun is a breeze to fit normally. No plumbing skills required. Just shop online for a bidet sprayer, or bum gun. Will only cost you around 20 bucks. But beware many are selling the very same thing for 90 bucks, with a flashy convincing website. More technical description ->