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Green Thinkers

Dive into my blog for a collection of cost-saving tips, anti-corporate greed insights, and eco-friendly hacks. Let’s explore together how we can make a difference, one small step at a time.

Despite my decidedly un-green fingers, I’ve always been passionate about finding ways to benefit the environment and save some money along the way. Consider me more of a jack of all trades rather than an expert—a curious soul driven by a strong anti-corporate greed sentiment.

The thought of being a fly on the wall during corporate meetings, where strategies to extract every last penny from our wallets at the expense of our planet are devised, both infuriates and motivates me. But enough with the ramblings, read on and save money and help the planet.

Stop using Soap and Shampoo You don’t need soap or shampoo. We ( family of 4 + dog ) have not been using shampoo or soap for over 8 years now and few of those years in really sweaty Malaysia. The grass is greener on this side ->

Dilute Washing up liquid Most commercial washing up detergents contain petrochemical surfactants, whose biodegradability is questionable, and synthetic fragrances. So the less you use, the less you spend and less ends up in our water ways and absorbed into our skin. Start saving now ->

Most economical clothes dryer Make your clothes, wallet even the environment, that much happier. How could you not read further ->

Bum gun It’s the only way to be squeaky clean down there and almost stop your use of toilet paper. Squeaky clean ->

Handcrafted wood goodies Bike wall mounts totally handcrafted using nothing but wood and a ton a creativity. Minimalist bike stuff ->